Fancy a celebrity? Try these ones, they're loaded

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It can't have escaped your notice that this year has been strewn with riots and protests, many of them recently focusing around the inequality of the distribution of wealth (and some of them about getting as much Tesco Value rice as you can carry). It's time to take action ourselves – and we've come up with three possible solutions:
1) Through protests and social insurrection, demolish the capitalist hierarchy and establish a new pseudo-Anarchist wonderland
2) Beat them at their own game and, via a career of smart trading and ruthless takeovers, reach the coveted 1% and live our lives free from the hand of monetary oppression
3) Marry someone really hot and really wealthy
You've probably clocked which of these - all admittedly unlikely- scenarios is most likely to play out from the title of the article. Plus, Heat magazine (who work just down the hall from us) just released their Rich List, which unlike other (boring) Rich Lists only features British celebrities under the age of 30. So if you're looking to get involved with a famous Brit to tackle those mounting student debts, here are the top five rich ladies:

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